Sunday, July 11, 2010

new blog

well since sweden i have missed blogging - so i decided to start a new blog just for my every day stuff... the new blog is i hope you come visit!

since sweden...

when i got back from sweden i felt TOTALLY traveled out... so from march until june i didn't leave chicago!  i think it was the longest stretch that i have had without going anywhere in the past five years, and to be honest it felt GREAT.

but something that i have missed since i was in sweden was blogging... so i decided to start another blog that rather than just having nordic adventures has all the little adventures that i go on.

so in the past month i finished my mba (eeek!) and then left chicago for the first time in three months to go to my super fun carleton five year reunion.  it was great to catch up with all the carleton kids that i hadn't seen in way too long a time.

THEN after most of my friends left chicago i went on a super fun 12 day roadtrip with alexis... we made it through illinois, wisconsin, minnesota, south dakota, wyoming, montana, idaho, oregon and california - woohoo! and had more fun than i thought we could have sitting in a car for 12 days... i got to see so many things that i have always wanted to see and it was a really great trip

so i got back to chicago late late wednesday night and there is basically no one here :(  my mom is flying in on monday night and we are driving a uhaul to boston - so i have between now and monday night to pack up my whole apartment - which of course i am totally procrastinating... luckily i have sent a lot of stuff home with my parents over the course of the past six months so hopefully it won't take too much packing time!