this weekend has been a bit slow, originally i was planning on going to gotland an island between sweden and latvia... but it turns out that i was looking at the wrong ferry schedule and the proper ferry schedule was not so agreeable
so that left me in stockholm without too much to do... good thing the olympics are on! i love the olympics and i think unlike most people i farrrrrrrrrrr prefer the winter games over the summer ones. friday night i stayed up late to watch the opening ceremonies and then today i alternated between watching swedish coverage (online) and american coverage (on slingbox) both were very entertaining.
tomorrow i am going to have a fun little valentines day celebration by myself... one of the great things about sweden is that everyone here speaks english - mostly from watching american tv and movies... so i am going to see valentines day (yes i can hear half of you groaning) and then am going to have a late lunch at one of the great saluhalls and i might even try a semla.
i have seen these in bakeries in sweden since arriving and it turns out that they are a seasonal food, meant to be eaten on shrove tuesday. i am guessing i won't like them too much since i hear the cream tastes similar to marzipan but i will give it a shot - at least they look really pretty!
happy valentines day!
agree about winter olympics. way more interesting to me too. i'm a huge fan of snowboard cross. its like roller derby on snowboards!